
A Sneetch is a Sneetch: Literacy Bag Project

The Sneetches and Other Stories

We have recently added Literacy Bags to our repartee as a fun & educational way to read and learn!  They encourage the fun of reading and learning together as a family . . . that's my favorite!  I made 7 different bags for my students at our local Christian Homeschool Cooperative.  I teach 2nd Grade and I am having a blast with the best and brightest 7 Second Graders the world has ever seen.  To encourage my students to read more and learn outside of our classrooms I am giving extra "Super Student" points if they choose to take a Literacy Bag home that week.  The Bug (my own child, a Super Second Grader), of course, opted to bring a bag home and once her homework was completed, she went straight to that bag . . . heaven help anyone getting in that child's way if there is a book involved!  I will be featuring a new Literacy Bag with printables, activities, games and resources every week to two weeks here on our home blog.  Hope you enjoy!

Here are the steps she took in completing the Literacy Bag and you can too:

1.  Reading . . . of course.
This selection she was able to read to me, however; mommy read it again out loud anyhow later that evening
. . . for nostalgia's sake.

2.  Writing prompt in Classroom Journal.  I had the student respond to the questions using a journal, rather than just writing a paragraph on a piece of paper - that way the next students who complete that bag can read about what their peer's ideas are on "Sneetches".
Writing Prompts for Sneetches:

3.  Use these fun online printable resources to have some Sneetchy fun.  Just click on the title to Download for FREE from Seussville.

Mr. McMonkey McBean Which One is Different? - Worksheet
Which Two Are The Same? - Worksheet
Sneetch Ball - Game

4.  Have a Sneetches on the Beach Picnic with your family.
This was the Bug's favorite part and the most fun for everyone . . . it became quite the family team effort!
(I guess that's the whole idea, huh?)

You can Download this FREE Sneetchy Menu here

Sneetch Menu: Star Belly & Plain Belly PBJ sandwiches, Sandy Beach Choclate Chip Cookies, Deviled Eggs (or, as we call them, "Stomp on the Devil" Eggs), Mr. McMonkey McBean Macaroni Salad Veggie Chips (The Bug wanted nothing to do with the previously mentioned recipe), Sneetch Lemonade & Sneetchy Smores

Here is the Bug putting in some serious "elbow grease" to create a tasty beverage.

Adding a little lemon juice to make some lemonade for our Sneetch on the Beach picnic.

We were supposed to have Starbelly Sugarcookies, but the Bug believes no recipe is complete without chocolate chips . . . that's my girl!

Big sis (the Squeaker) pitched in with the more difficult kitchen jobs.

Here she is with her creation.  She wanted Hawaiian rolls for her sandwiches, making it difficult to create stars, so she sacrificed for taste.  We also substituted McMonkey McBean salad for Veggie Chips - alas, she is learning slowly to broaden her taste in food.  One step at a time.

The men helped out with the fire after our Sneetch on the Beach Picnic by starting the fire and roasting our marshmallows for s'mores.  Perfect!

Enjoy this Literacy Bag Project and let us know how you enjoyed it by commenting below.  Do you have more fun games, activities or resources to add?  Post your comments, we love to hear your ideas!!!

aka The Joyful Socks Mom


Dear Hollywood, WE HAVE A VOICE - you need to listen!

Deliver a message to Hollywood, the only way they will listen . . . 
"Family movies are what we want.  This is what we will pay to see.  We have a voice and we will be heard!"

Nationwide Homeschool Day
Dolphin Tale

Join homeschoolers nationwide for the very FIRST  HOMESCHOOL DAY  and watch  DOLPHIN TALE with your group. It makes a statement to Hollywood to rally behind a movie that finally ‘gets it right’ and tells a great story without all the junk, twaddle, and moral compromise! This movie has all the good stuff we want more of and is truly entertaining and inspiring for the entire family. It’s a story we can support and get behind, because it affirms who we are and what we stand for.  This movie even has 2 homeschool kids cast in the starring roles! (The casting agents went to a local support group in California and found them!)
It’s time the homeschool community shows Hollywood we have a voice!!!!  We can show the entertainment industry our strength and our impact on their box office!
The bottom line is that the Homeschool Movie Club (http://www.homeschoolmovieclub.com/) wants to prove that we are a big and VIABLE market and we can support Hollywood IF they will create and produce movies like DOLPHIN TALE – great movies with traditional, conservative family values. I am hoping you will be a part of this great opportunity with me!
See you there folks!
Check out www.homeschoolmovieclub.com to get all the FREE curriculum to use with your kids before the big day at the movies!
Joyful & blessed homeschooling to you!