
Voices from the Past: Maria Augusta Trapp

Voices from the Past: Maria Augusta Trapp

"The old saying: 'Spare the rod and spoil the child' seems like a translation of the Bible: 'Who loves his son does not spare the rod.'  It is to be hoped that the world will soon turn away from its experiment in the realm of progressive education where poor, unhappy children always have to do what they want; the young will is then crippled by its own whims."  

Maria Augusta Trapp, The Story of the Trapp Family Singers, 1949

It is sad to look upon this hope that Maria Augusta Trapp wrote about over 50 years ago, only because the "experiment in the realm of progressive education" is still on the down-ward spiral stair case.  She glimpsed the dangerous tendencies, even back then, of a child whom is allowed to go the way of their own will.  Maria knew only to well how crippling it is to a child's spirit to allow them the "freedom to choose" their own paths, without allowing them to see the consequences of those self-centered actions.

What began so many years ago as an "experiment", has now become status quo in our own country.  What, you don't believe me?  Just look around you . . . where?  Look anywhere, and you will take my point.  Children with cell phones. Why?  Not out of need, but want.  Middle schoolers with facial piercings.  Why?  Their parents don't want to deal with the drama of saying no. Kids with every style, app and device known to man, while parents allow them to have any and every lust or desire of their hearts.  They are plugged in wherever they are, yet they have little to no connection with the authority figures in there lives.

The hope that Maria clung to lay in the truth given to her through the Bible, the holy Word of G-d.  As a woman of great faith, she laid the foundation of all her hopes for the world, on the One whom came to deliver humanity from sin and self.  Maria and her beloved family made it their live's goal to "seek ye first HIS kingdom".  

Oh Christian parent, lean not on your own understanding nor be deluded by the world telling you your child "deserves to be happy".  G-d's ways are not our ways, that is why we must dive into His holy Word to find the parenting solutions for our children.  Choose His way and His Word will not return null in your children.

To discipline, is to disciple, to teach, to love.  Grace and mercy does have a place of honor in the hallowed halls of godly parenting, but not at the cost of the much more precious gift of wisdom.  Wisdom, in a child, is gained only through discipline, even especially when they are unhappy about the discipline being received.  Commit to "cripple" your child no longer by submitting to their "whims".  Instead, submit them to G-d and lay their will and your's at His feet.  You are His hand in your child's life.  Build with your hands, using discipline,  a temple for Him to dwell in, for eternity.

Joyful & blessed homeschooling to you!
aka The Joyful Socks Mom


  1. Hi Heather, I'm your Homeschool Swap Partner and all my emails to you are being bounced back to me!

    I hope your summer is going well and hopefully we can chat a bit before this session ends. :)

  2. Sorry Mrs. Brooke - I have been operating a bit on the busy side this week! I don't know why the emails are bouncing - I will send you an email tomorrow to check in & put you on my safe list.

    I hope you are having a wonderful and safe summer. Chat with you soon.


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