
WACKY SCIENCE: Growing An Alligator

The kids and I started our "Growing An Alligator" Experiement a couple of weeks ago and wanted to share the fun with our readers.

We purchased this kit last May at the Arlington Homeschool Book Fair. The kit came complete to do the entire experiment from start to finish. (You all know how much I love that!) We purchased from the neatest lady at Holy Cow Science. http://www.holycowscience.com/
*P.S. I am not an affiliate & I won't make a dime if you purchase her products - We just want her products to get some exposure - we really like them!*

This is what we started with for conducting our experiment:

Our kit came with the tiny alligator to grow, string, graphing paper, a tape mesure & instructions. I really liked that the instructions they gave had several additional options for conducting your experiement.
We added the scale to our experiment, it did not come in the kit.

1. We measured the alligator before immersing him in the water. Length and width. We used the sting provided to measure and then used the measuring tape on the string. Then the kids documented their results on the graph paper.
The alligator "pre" experiment
The "Scout" charting his results.

2. Next we weighed him on our scale. Then recorded our results.

3. Then we immersed him in the jar full of water and waited . . .

4. We measure his length and width each day and weigh him, recording our findings each time.
P.S. Little girls DO NOT like to touch the alligator! This is the "man's" job. lol!

Boy, is he ever getting bigger or what?!

We will let you know how are alligator's growth continues. The kids had a fun time with this experiment . . . they love science the most! I liked to see them working together and The "Scout" was able to conduct this experiment with his little sister, having very little help from me (I was just guiding & and adding facts). She learns so well when he is doing the teaching! The experiment has really help The "Bug" (only 5 years old) grasp the scientific method and helped her in understanding graphing and charting. It was also and excellent exercise in continuous learning. The "right now" method did not apply in this experiement. They have had to keep working on it everyday in order to have correct results.

We are hoping to get more from Holy Cow Science. This kit we just did is no longer available, but there are many others still to experience. The Science In A Bag kits run from $4.95 to $8.95 per kit. They also carry some awesome Science Project Kits, that really help with presentation, method and much more. We are hoping to let The "Scout" enter a Science Project this spring, we'll probably want one of these kits then. Holy Cow Science is a christian business with science knowledge to boot . . . give them a try.

What we will be purchasing next . . .
* The Beat Goes On (Science Project Kit) $19.95
* UB The UV Detective! (Science In A Bag Kit) $8.95
* The Golden-rod Rule! (Science In A Bag Kit) $5.95
* Wacky Water Tricks! (Science In A Bag Kit) $4.95
* Bag of Geodes (Science In A Bag Kit) $4.95

Have some Wacky Science fun of your own & post your comments below . . .

How does your alligator grow?

Mrs. Mac




  1. Sounds like great fun and an opportunity to integrate math, science, and writing! Consider creating a graph of the data with excel or Google docs. Pictures are always a hit at our house.
    Happy Exploring!
    Ashley (http://www.hyperhomeschool.com)

  2. Super idea Ashley! The "Scout" is very artistic and loves all things pictorial. Thank you for sharing.


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