Let's just begin by saying that this week's reviews will cover products for homeschoolers in the subject of Math. Many of you know my own personal feelings about that particular subject. *ahem* I will be brushing all prior prejudice on the subject of math to the wayside, in order to bring you this week's TOS Reviews. *grin*

Today's math enrichment product comes from Math Tutor. The two DVDs that I reviewed, with the help of a trusted advisor (read more later), were The Pre-Algebra Tutor DVD & The TI-84/TI-83 Graphing Calculator Tutor DVD. They retail from Math Tutor for $26.99 each, with a super guarantee of raising your student's grades or your money back! Now, that is what I'm talking about!
I am glad to report, that the folks at Math Tutor really know what they are doing! The amount of time dedicated to each subject and practice problems shows they have a true love of teaching. That's what I like most about these DVDs. The sheer volume of practice used in these DVDs could help instill major math concepts in the most reluctant of math students. *hint, hint - nudge, nudge*
Students that feel that they are "bad" at math need that extra boost of confidence and consistency in instruction. I believe this DVD series is one that would give much confidence to such a student. Each subject is broken down with such careful detail that students will be able to gain vast insight in these subject areas, helping them to develop stronger skills. Any math enrichment that helps a student tackle problems with ease and greater confidence, is well worth its weight in gold. If they no longer live in dread of math, you are giving them the gift of a lifetime. Math Tutor helps to give that gift.

The price is just right for homeschoolers to afford such a wonderful resource for math enrichment. Math tutoring can be quite costly and these DVDs offer a more practical and economical solution. We loved these DVDs so much, we used them on our babysitter (a 16 year old homeschooler from church). She liked the Pre-Algebra DVD and said it made everything more "approachable". She even came back to babysit . . . so, there you go! End of story. If it gets a 16 year old's approval, then it gets mine.
Total Run Time 5 Hours: DVD Chapter Index Disk 1Sect 1 - Real Numbers Sect 2 - The Number Line Sect 3 - Greater Than, Less Than, Equal To Sect 4 - Absolute Value and Adding Integers Sect 5 - Subtracting Integers Disk 2 Sect 6 - Multiplying Integers Sect 7 - Dividing Integers Sect 8 - Powers and Exponents Sect 9 - Order of Operations Sample Clips From This 5 Hour DVD Course: This DVD will improve your usage of the TI-84 / TI-83 calculator or your money back! Total DVD Run Time: 8 Hours Disk 1 Section 1: Overview of the Calculator Section 2: The Mode Menu Section 3: Basic Arithmetic and Exponents Section 4: Logarithms and Square Roots Section 5: Sin, Cos, Tan Section 6: Scientific Notation and Storing Variables Section 7: The Math Menu and Catalog Menu Section 8: Convert between Fractions and Decimals Section 9: Finding the Min and Max of a Function Section 10: Calculating Derivatives and Integrals Section 11: Absolute Value, Rounding, and Integers Section 12: Converting between Degrees and Radians Section 13: Working with Complex Numbers Disk 2 Section 14: Using the Equation Solver Section 15: Graphing and Tracing Functions Section 16: Using Tables and Split Screen Modes Section 17: Find the Exact Value of a Function Using Graphing Section 18: Finding the Zeros of a Function using Graphing Section 19: Finding the Max and Min of a Function using Graphing Section 20: Finding Intersections of Functions using Graphing Section 21: Finding the Derivative of a Function by Graphing Section 22: Calculating the Definite Integral by Graphing Section 23: Drawing on a Graph Section 24: Graphing and Tracing Sequences Disk 3 Section 25: Graphing and Tracing Parametric Equations Section 26: Converting between Rectangular and Polar Coordinates Section 27: Graphing and Tracing Polar Equations Section 28: Permutations, Combinations, and Factorial Section 29: Working with Histograms and Box Plots Section 30: Graphing Statistical Scatter Plots Section 31: Calculating Mean, Median, Standard Deviation, and more Section 32: Performing Statistical Regression Section 33: Calculating with Matrices Section 34: Solving Systems of Equations with Matrices Section 35: Calculating Interest Rates Section 36: Calculating Mortgages and Loans Section 37: Calculating Savings and Investments Joyful & blessed homeschooling to you! |
I really liked these DVDs also.