A Hometown Independence Day
The summer has been flying by and I realized that I haven't been blogging about all the wonderfully fun activities that we have been doing. So . . . let's back up a little for the in our journal to get you up to speed.
This year for the 4th of July, I got stuck (hard to imagine, I know) on keeping the kids focused on the reality and truth of the celebration of Independence Day. The big stickler for me this year was being sure the kids knew why we feel it is important to celebrate Independence Day
and not just "the 4th". The difference may be in semantics, but I'm sticking to this one!
When you are referencing the date, as opposed to the holiday itself, you loose a little bit of its significance. This is the very same reason you will not her me say 9/11 in referring to the attacks on New York and Washington D.C. that fateful day in September 2001. I never want to "dumb-down" or "water-down" the reverence for a holiday or remembrance day when teaching our children. Thus, we practice reiterating Independence Day.
Here are a few things we did on Independence Day.
We started out in our hometown parade. Sorry, no pictures. We were in the parade, marching for the local non-profit that I work for, Mission Granbury. Here is a video clip that the newspaper posted . . . not all that riveting (small town parade and all), but you can see us right after the Pirate little league baseball and cheerleader. Mrs. Mac is on the opposite side of black truck, with cowboy hat on. The girls are in the CASA & Mission Granbury float . . . just F.Y.I.
Celebrating the birthday of the Declaration of Independence!
I had the girls celebrate with some little Happy Birthday greeting cakes. Then we read some stories about the beginnings of our nation. This book by Mara L. Pratt
is one of our favorites.
The Squeaker & the Bug all "cowgirled-up"! Yep, we're from Texas, so what better way to spend Independence Day than at the rodeo?
Hmmm . . . doesn't look like Mrs. Mac enjoys getting her picture taken as much as she enjoys taking them. (Thanks Big Daddy Mac!)
Granbury Riders were so fun to watch, but what was the favorite event . . . Wild Brauma Cow Milking! Yep, it's real!
The Bug & her cuz, Mr. Hockey, enjoy the sights of the rodeo up-close-and-personal. The older kids (minus the Bug) enjoyed a little Mutton bustin' - chasing after a sheep trying to catch the one with the ribbon on it's tail.
We hope that you all had a blessed and joyful Independence Day too.
Happy homeschooling!
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