MOM ONLY! Boot Camp attendees will have a pint-sized, yet super-charged blessing in our fantastic Keynote Speaker: Connie Hughes from Smockity Frocks fame.
Not that I need to tell you why you should come to conference (because you already know you should), but I thought you might like to add to your growing anticipation, waiting for MOM ONLY! Boot Camp. You will have your socks blessed right off, I'll hang on to mine . . . and here are a few more reasons why you DO NOT want to miss Smockity at conference.

2. When you think you have it tough, stop, and remember Smockity . . . your life really couldn't be as crazy her's . . . really! and she looks so fabulous doing it . . . come and learn her secrets.
3. Yes, there ARE stories you have not heard on the Smockity Frocks' blog. Why? Because they are happening everyday . . . You never know what may happen at the Smockity house before she arrives to conference. : ) If you show up, you'll be there first to hear it!
4. The truth shall set you free! Smockity will tell you the truth, period, which is truly comforting in this ever-changing, morally-compromising kind-of-world.
5. Sleeping in is for suckers! Rise-n-Shine on this early Saturday morning and come and commune with your homeschooling sisters and Smockity will be there, bright eyed and bushy tailed.
6. It is seriously just fun to think about your family at home, wondering . . . "Hey, she really DID leave! When is she coming back? I can't find anything!" They are probably saying the same thing at the Smockity's house too.
7. When it comes to emergency rooms, chicken gravy and sheer will-power every homeschool mom should learn from the best. TRUST ME, Smockity is the best at all the above.
8. If the joy of the Lord were an art form, Smockity would be Michelangelo. Connie will encourage you to see the joy in each and every parenting moment. Come and fellowship with Connie and your fellow home educating sisters and reveling again in the "art of joy".
Don't forget to pick-up Connie's eBook to get a little glimpse of the parenting and homeschooling wisdom that awaits you at MOM ONLY! Boot Camp.
See you at Conference!

The Joyful Socks Mom
- FACEBOOK PARTY! Mom Only Boot Camp fun, coming Friday, June 1st, 2012 - Giveaways, Prizes and lots of pre-conference fellowship!
- MOM ONLY! Boot Camp - Best little Homeschool Conference. Having a Generational Heart in your homeschool. *** Registration open - Tickets limited to 100 attendees - Register Today! ***
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