My children are great at listening to our instruction and are active participants in family worship time, which is such a blessing. Let's face it though, they are, in fact, children and I understand that at times all they really hear is Charlie Brown's teacher's voice coming out of my mouth. "Wa-waa-wa-waa-wa-wa-wa-wa-waa." This is not necessarily a reflection of their heart, it is just a real part of being a kid . . . listening, but not hearing. It is due to moments like these, that I am ever thankful for personal devotion time . . . and not just for the kids! It is important essential to allow time for God's "still small voice" to do the real instructing in biblical character.
People say it a lot, and it begins to sound cliche', "Let go, and let God". In this case, that is the best advice that I can give. Allowing the LORD to lead your child's heart, is putting your child in the best care possible. Now, this does not mean you let them loose with just any method of study, or any research tool. You provide the resources, lift them up in prayer and then trust it to God's divine Providence.
Where do you start with personal devotion time?
1. Explain the importance of spending quiet time, alone with God's Word and in prayer, seeking a relationship one-on-one with Jesus Christ.
2. Teach your child how to pray. Even Jesus taught His own disciples to pray.
3. Equip them with God's Word and discipleship tools that will help guide their time with God.
4. Pray for God's will in leading your children beginning and continuing their personal devotion time.
5. Set aside time for them, and for yourself, to spend in quiet communion with God.
Proverbs 8:17
"I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me." (NKJV)
Here are just a few tools that we use to encourage our kids in seeking personal time with the LORD:
Teaching and assisting your child in spending their time in personal devotion to the LORD will, in the end, reap many benefits and blessings in their life and in yours. God does His work in His time and when you trust His provision in your life, and your child's, He will reward you and your child.
Hebrews 11:6
"But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him." (NKJV)
{Photo Credit: The sweet Sunshine!}
Do you have any resources or tools that your children love to use in personal devotion?

The Joyful Socks Mom
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- MOM ONLY! Boot Camp - Best little Homeschool Conference. Having a Generational Heart in your homeschool. Join Smockity Frocks and Joyful Socks Mom for a day of fellowship and fun for home educating moms!
- Vision Forum - Discipleship and Education for Christian Families.
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