There is something amazing about the power of books in our daily lives. As home educators it is important to yoke every opportunity to broaden our children's literacy horizons. A great way to do this is by creating your own Book Club to include other home educating families in your community.
Here are a few steps that you can take to help you get started:
1. Choose home educators that you know are "go-get-ers" and team players! You do not want to get stuck doing all the work. This is PERSONAL EXPERIENCE speaking here! Your kids will not enjoy the Book Club if you and they are constantly doing all the work. Choose about 20 dependable homeschoolers you want to work with, and invite them to join your book club. Many will say "no", but some will say "yes", which will make the perfect amount of families for your new Book Club.
Lots of Literature! |
3. Choose themes or seasonal books to cover for your Book Club. This will make it easier for each family to participate and easily find activities, games and crafts for each book you cover. FIVE-IN-A-ROW is a great curriculum and makes an excellent book list for any Book Club.
They Were Strong and Good Book Basket. |
Purple Ice Cube Sailboats from Rowing Harold and the Purple Crayon. |
Sneetch is a Sneetch Literacy Bag. |
Harold and the Purple Crayon. Full table mural and purple grapes. |
In short, the best way to start a homeschool Book Club is to plan for fun and get going!
Happy Homeschool Reading!

The Joyful Socks Mom
Where we are at?
Homeschooling on the Cheap
Here are some more homeschool resources we recommend:
- Notebooking Success - Get started Notebooking today with this wonderful eBook. Jimmie gets an A +++ from this home educator.
- No "Falling" behind on Homeschool organizing! Get the Weekly Homeschool Planner today!
- Bright Ideas Press - The curriculum that Moms Love! Home of the Mystery of History. Our entire family loves learning together with this curriculum!
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