
FRUGAL Flip - Floppy Flowers

Greetings!  This my fist installment in a great blogging carnival called Kiddos Create: Challenge of the Week by Mama Jenn.  I was excited to find Mama Jenn's blog a couple of weeks ago.  She is an encouraging and inspiring homeschool mom (the best kind of mom if you ask me).  I have been enjoying many of her posts and am excited to participate in this fun challenge and share it with my loyal readers.

So here's the scoop . . .

The Problem: The Squeaker & the Scout get to attend 2 separate camps during the summer, leaving the Bug home alone.  She endured not going shopping for camp clothing and supplies over the last few weeks, whilst her Sissy & Bubba have received ample goods (and attention) over their camping excursions.
The Solution:  Sending the Bug off to Granny's so she can feel special too!
The Challenge: To create something special for The Bug to take along on her vacation without spending mulla . . . we need frugal here people.  Like I said, just sent kids to camp you know!
The Creation:  Flip-Floppy Flowers

1 Pair of "plain jane" Flip Flops + Scrap yarn from last month = FLIP - FLOPPY FLOWERS
ALSO = 1 Happy Bug!


  1. These are awesome. My 4 year old would be over the moon.

  2. Awh, thank you so much for your kind words! I am so glad that you participated in Kiddos Create! I know my daughter would LOVE the flip-flops! What a cute idea! LOVE IT!!!


Thank you for blessing our blog with your joyful comments.