* Join us during our A Summer Well-Spent series *
Day Trips Key to Frugal Fun!
The key to success in the summer schooling process, is to keep the kids in a routine that helps them to continue learning and growing . . . and then make it fun! A great way to keep the kids excited and learning, while showing mercy to your pocketbook, is to plan some Day Trips that are close to home. There are many reasons to choose Day Trips over expensive vacationing. Here are just a few:
1. Gas can be a serious issue during the summer and choosing those fun spots closer to home certainly help curb the gas-guzzling monster's thirst for more!
2. When you travel close to home, you are keeping your business local. This helps your community and helps your family show a wonderful example of Christian homeschooling. Be proud you are a homeschooler!
3. Choosing local Day Trips can also help educate your children on local history, historical figures and local customs and culture.
This is a picture from last month's field trip. The Dublin Dr. Pepper factory is within 40 miles of our home. It is the only bottling and manufacturing plant that still uses the same formula for bringing you the fantastic summer libation of Dr. Pepper . . . with pure cane Imperial sugar!
This was my favorite part of the tour - the Cowboys Commemorative Dr. Pepper featuring all-time great Roger Staubach! (Those of you who know me personally are laughing now . . . all those this is NO JOKE!)

This is a fun encounter The Bug had with a T-Rex on our local town square. We spent Memorial Day walking the square and also working the Boy Scout parking lot. Even your own hometown can hold little treasures of fun and learning. Give it a try!

Get creative and hit the road! Be sure to comment on some of the fun summer Day Trips that you and your crew will be taking. Enjoy the open road homeschoolers!
* Join us this summer for more A Summer Well-Spent series ~ Lots of summer fun and support for all you moms out there! Be on the look out for a couple of fun giveaways too! *
A Summer Well-Spent Ebook is ready to download and go!
150 Summer activities with fun and purpose.
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