
Take the Weekend OFF Teach! {Weekend Reflecting}

Go forth, home educator, and play!  Please, forget you are the teacher.

Read something funny and joyful.

Build a Lego creation with your son.

Listen to your teenager's favorite music.
PHOTO CREDIT via Compfight.com cc

Sit and play with your littlest's toys.

Drink a cup of tea, with each child.

Do something your kid loves, and you could care less about.

Do nothing that is related to school . . . even history! (. . . must make a note for myself on that one!)

Ditch your lesson plans.

Forget your grading. (Oh, calm down "little Mrs. OCD"!  It's just for today.)

Ignore the emails and texts, maybe even phone calls.

Just be mom, and remember the pure JOY found in being what God created you to be!


“Life was about spending time together , about having the time to walk together holding hands, talking quietly as the sun goes down. It wasn't glamorous, but it was, in many ways, the best that life has to offer. Wasn't that how the old saying went? Who, on their deathbed, ever said they wished they had worked harder? Or spent less time enjoying a quiet afternoon? Or spent less time with their family?”

~ Nicholas Sparks, True Believer

Here are a few encouraging & FUN reads for your weekend OFF:

  • How about enjoying a new art project with one of your kids?  Especially if you're not the creative type.
  • Do you ever feel like THIS when family or friends come over mid-homeschool day?

Joyfully Learning Alongside You,
The Joyful Socks Mom 

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1 comment:

  1. That last picture made me shout out in agreement, yeehaw! Amen. We need to do that every once in a while.


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