Reverence in Word, Part 3
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1. “Do I pray for wisdom and weigh my words carefully before speaking to my husband?”Scripture references – Proverbs 10:31, Ecclesiastes 10:12, Proverbs 10:32
Focus today on Psalm 141:3
“Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips.” Psalm 141:3 NKJV
2. “Will I, without shame, be able to give an account to God for every word I have spoken to my husband?”
Scripture reference – Psalm 55:21
Focus scripture Matthew 12:36-37
“But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account threreof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.” Matthew 12:36-37
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This study is convicting me everyday, to let the Spirit grow me, in just about every precept we have examined together. Wow! This is another area where God has done much with me, and yet, I still have so far to go. I once saw a sweatshirt that I probably should have purchased, it stated, “Dear Lord, put your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth!” Do I hear an Amen there sisters? The whole of it is this; let it be left un-said if, later, it cannot be un-done. Here is a quick tip for you: Words cannot be un-done, end of story!We must account for every word spoke in idleness and vanity. My need to please God and be accountable for the words I speak SHOULD usurp my need to be right or justified in my marriage. These are good rules for life in general, but for this study, just begin applying these precepts, today, in your marriage. The road may be long to recovering your husband’s trust in regard to the words you speak, but ultimately the oneness God intended for your marriage will out shine the hard work done to arrive at that place of glory.
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Memory VerseDo not forget to commit our memory verse to your heart this week. We will have a new verse Sunday.
Ephesians 5:21-22
“Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God. Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.”
*Remember your Weekly Challenge? Challenge Project #1:“Review Your Wedding Vows” - - - Please come sign on the blog and share your experience. What did you do to complete this project? How was it received by your hubby? What did you like best about this challenge? What did you like the least?
Did you miss the Challenge Project? Go back and check it out to join in! I will be posting on Monday next week to share my own Challenge Project outcome & post our new project.
In Christ’s service,

Sister Mac
(a.k.a. Joyful Socks Mom)
Tomorrow, we will continue with Reverence of Word by examining the purpose of our words, keeping our promises and being honest with our husbands.
*Please remember to make comments directly to this blog if possible. Simply click on the title of this post above (in the email) and you will be redirected to the blog. Once there, you can post a comment at the bottom of the lesson.*
Quotations used that are italicized are from the book As Unto the Lord by Pam Forester unless otherwise sited in this post.
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