We have all been there before. Tired, run-down, empty. Feeling as though our prayers are going up, but nothing is coming back down. Although, we know the truth and even speak it out daily, we can still feel stagnant and unmovable. You are not alone sister! We have all experienced it, but how to get out of it? The answers may sound simple, but ACTION is imperative when putting yourself purposely back in the Holy Ghost fire.
1. Read your Bible. Pray and ask God to search your heart and give you new revelation. "Revive my spirit!"

I love to use devotionals that are centered around "youth" during valley times in my life. Youth ministers are driven to excite and ignite youth toward following Christ. If it works for a young person, why wouldn't it work for me? I use these online devotionals and blogs when I am feeling the need for some spiritual stirring and revival. (Which lately has been a lot.) It usually works too!
Rising Voice Ministry: This is a Focus on the Family ministry for "millennial" ages. I enjoy their blog and read it even if I'm not feeling low. It is centered around actively seeking and doing God's will. Sounds biblical to me.
"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." Matthew 6:33 NKJV
Teen Devotionals: Teen devotionals at http://www.tddm.org/ are really great because they are changed frequently. I use this one not as frequently. It is set up in blog format (which I love). I can find the newest posts quickly. However, this site is set up with a social-media format so that you can interact with other people. I DO NOT recommend signing up or signing in with your Facebook account. I just read and go.
Journey to the Cross: This is a quick daily devotional for teens. I like this one because they are short and thought provoking. They also have "soaking" music that helps me release my own worries and prepare to go into the throne room of the most high God.
{Many of these devotionals will vary on doctrinal issues as they are not published by my own denominational organization. No biggie! The Bible is the truth and that's that. If you have difficulty with a specific doctrinal issue in a devotional, either stop using it or go directly to your pastor.}
2. Call a Christian friend that is good at accountability. Look, the last thing I need when I am in the valley, feeling low and humbled is the harsh truth, right? Wrong. The last thing you need is a friend who will make you feel good about your slothful choices. NO ENABLERS ALLOWED! A good friend will tell you the truth, the Bible truth, about your behaviors and decisions. They will hold you accountable AND encourage you to move up higher in your walk with Christ. Lean on those individuals, they will lift you up in prayer, hug your neck and give you a "swift kick" in the right direction. ; )

3. Clean your closet. It is amazing to me every time I clean my closet. I don't really even buy clothes for myself anymore, except at thrift stores and resale shops. Yet, my closet is congested with clothing that either doesn't fit or items I am less-than enthusiastic about. For me, it serves as a reminder that God has let me live in a well-blessed land. We are fortunate in our freedoms, liberties and financial resources. This is an excellent reminder to be thankful and give the Lord some overdue praise. Next, take your unneeded clothing (and maybe a couple of nicer outfits too) to a local charity for distribution.
Need some ideas? Leave a comment or contact me - I'll tell you where you can take your donations.
4. Cook for someone else. One of the sure-fire ways (no pun intended) to get moving out of the valley is to do for others. Care for a widow or the fatherless with a meal and a prayer. Invite a friend over and cook for those in need in your church. Then deliver the meals together, make those you are serving twice blessed. This is a two-fold remedy: you are blessed from blessing others and you will enjoy fellowship with another sister in Christ.
5. Ask your husband to pray with you. Look, I'll be the first to admit that it is hard at times to go to my husband for prayer, when it should be the FIRST place I go. I am my husband's help meet and I want to have it all together (those who know me best, know this is a falsity of huge proportions . . . me having it all together). Being a surrendered wife, this should be where I run for fervent, intercessory prayer. Just as a river, whatever flows from the head of the river, flows down stream. Let the blessings and renewal flow to you through your husband's fervent prayers! Besides, who would pray more fervently than a husband who would like for his wife to get out of the valley? . . . even if it is only to have a clean pair of matching socks again. : )

Have a blessed weekend in the Lord.
Sister Mac
aka The Joyful Socks Mom
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