Abandoned to myself, for God.
Am I abandoned to self for myself alone? No, I am abandoned to myself for Christ alone.
Not for what I can become, not for what I can get, not even for what He has done for me.
For the love of Christ alone.
The results of following Him, I am willingly leaving up to Him alone.
Go to God for the beauty of Himself and who He is, not what He can do for you.
The heart should not yearn to follow Christ ONLY to be able to boast,
"Look what the Lord has done for me."
To become abandoned to myself and follow God just to say this, is asking and following amiss.
There is nothing of the Holy Ghost in it.
I must prefer Jesus Christ, alone, above all, in order to be His disciple.
True abandonment. This should be the cry of the disciple's heart.
True abandonment is a test. A test for you to willingly defy the world, the flesh and all that comes "naturally" to us.
Do I, myself, Mrs. Mac pass this test?
Not usually.
Natural devotion will get in the way of true abandonment to Christ. Being a disciple will cost me something and it will cost others around me, too. Natural devotion can keep me from true abandonment.
I must leave it all behind.
Trust Him. Trust Him to comfort all those who may be hurt by my choice to willingly abandon all for Him.
Follow this road of abandonment. No matter the cost, nor matter where that road may lead.
Trust Christ.
He followed the road of abandonment before you. He followed it to the cross!
"Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind." Matthew 22:37 (KJV)

The Joyful Socks Mom
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