I will be highlighting a book each month that is from our own home library. I will include unit studies, notebooking pages, activities, crafts and art - for optimal homeschool fun. Today I will feature this fun and engaging book: Sebastian's Roller Skates
You can check out Sebastian's Roller Skates ONLINE for FREE!
to read online with the Screen Actor's Guild Storyline ONLINE
Now let's have some more storytime fun!
Language Arts:
Have your little one give you a narrative of the story you just read to them. They can draw you a picture and tell you about the story.
Social Studies:
Research Roller skates, the history
, how to roller skate
, the development of the roller skate
(roller blades) and go on a field trip to an old fashioned skating rink.
Physical Education:
Helpful links:
Roller skating safely
Write a story
about a time that you were afraid to try something new. How did you overcome being afraid or shy? How did it make you feel when you finally accomplished your goal?
Here is a FREE Download from our
own curriculum for you!

Have your older child read the book to your younger children while you prepare for some fun crafting time:
Roller Art
1. Download the graphic below for FREE
2. Have your child color it, then cut is out.

3. Observe with your child the illustrator's unique style in Sebastian's Roller Skates. Now use periodicals, magazines, old books & newspapers to use this style of multi-media
and make your own work of art.
- Roller Snacks: Make a tasty roller snack using a muffin tin and using all circle shaped foods.
Fruit Loops
M and M's
Whopper's candy
Globe Grapes
Cherry Tomatoes
- Talk about things around the room that have a circle shape like the wheels on Sebastian's roller skates.
- Use Roller Skate theme to review the letter R.
Here is the download for a play-dough mat, you can use it to practice your letter R.
We hope you enjoy reading and roller skating with your family!
Joyful and blessed homeschooling to you!
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